lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

I love shopping centres! =D =D

I like going to the shopping centres because you can do many things , you can see a clothing store and later a computer store, you can see a movie with friends in the cinema and buy popcorn.

you can find many people,including meet people and see people from other countries, in shopping centres you can eat because there are many restaurants like McDonalds or Pizza Hut. you can take children to a play area  inside the shopping centre and let them play while you shop. To sum it up , I like going to shopping centres because you can do many things and have fun. :)

Coria Del Rio

My village is big, because Coria is an important village, because it has got a very important river. The river´s name is Guadalquivir. It has got many restaurants where you can eat very well, there is a very big park, i like this park. the park´s name is Carlos De Mesa, where the children play. There are three high schools one of them is Rodrigo Caro it is an important school. There are three factories, one is of paper.  In coria I live very well, is a calm and peaceful village .I dislike the sport centre because is very old. Next year, there is a fair in Coria, we are going to meet many people, they will be dancing and singing.